World of V is born!

World Of V is born

Coffee break Hits: 3651

Hello guys!

As you know the world is constantly evolving and the same goes for the projects that are born on the Blockchain, some time ago I spoke to you in a very elementary way about NFTs (see HERE) and today I am here to tell you about a new reality that has come to life by very few days with very promising fundamentals.

World Of V was born, one of the first NFT marketplace projects to land on the public VechainThor Blockchain.

World Of V is a digital art collection that shows Vechain's journey around the world as seen through the eyes of different artists. As reported on the official World Of V website: "Unlike other collectibles where the rarity of all traits is established by the creators, the works of art in World of V are unique. The NFT WoVs show a mixture of explicit and implicit traits, with one main trait always present, the V of Vechain. "

But let's see in detail what were the first steps taken by the project.


- 05/09/2021 anyone who owned an X-node (click HERE to see what they are) was able to claim and subscribe to Presale.

- 19/09/2021 the presale started (finished in less than 10 minutes), each card could be purchased at a price of 800 VET, and the Marketplace was opened.


- 26/09/2021 start of the sale of World Of V


- 27/09/2021 random distribution of Wov's NFTs.

What were the advantages of those who participated in the presale of this project?

Buying NFTs belonging to the Wov world brings a series of unique advantages to its owners such as the production of the Wov Token. Below I report the token generation scheme:


- Normal cards: they received 2000 Wov for the starting mint + 10 Wov per day x 10 years

- Gold cards: received 4000 Wov for the starting mint + 20 Wov per day x 10 years

- Platinum cards: received 6000 Wov for the initial mint + 30 Wov per day x 10 years

- X-nodes card: they received 10000 Wov for the initial mint + 50 Wov per day x 10 years

- Genesis 2021: they received 50,000 Wov for the initial mint + 500 Wov per day x 10 years.


What is the Wov Token for and what can I do?

Currently with a cost of 1000 Wov we can rename the NFTs in our possession and it is possible to exchange the Wov token with other tokens through the Dapp Vexchange, certainly in the future the team will expand the possibilities of use.

I find the following project very exciting and interesting, World Of V aims to become an NFT marketplace just like the famous Opensea and Rarible but with important differences that is to be a green platform (it is no coincidence that it was chosen just the Blockchain VechainThor) but above all artists will not have to pay anything to mint their works of art!
Calculate that currently the main NFT platforms I mentioned earlier run on the Ethereum Blockchain and due to network congestion many artists, like myself, are often discouraged from minting their work. Don't you find all this exciting too?
For those interested in learning more about it, I leave you the references below  :p
A greeting and a virtual hug to everyone!


Marketplace World Of V | Medium | Twitter | Telegram | Discord


The Marketplace has been officially launched World Of V, from today it will be possible to buy NFT on the VechainThor Blockchain through the Wow token.
Remember that it is possible to generate the token by owning the Genesis cards that can be purchased from the relative DAPP.
Alternatively, the token can be purchased at the following DEXs: VEXCHANGE | ZUMOSWAP


The Team has just implemented the possibility of purchasing NFTs through the $VET Cryptocurrency.

Article that needs to be updated!