#loabTour Italy
I have always loved balconies because they tell not only stories but because they allow you to look at the place where you are from multiple perspectives. Traveling around the world, every single balcony is so particular and is always a characterizing element of the scenario to which it belongs, whether it is an alley or a square. I have decided to create a project that I particularly like and that I can't wait to share with you! I would like to show you wonderful places through my balconies, starting with my fascinating Italy. In Italy, balconies are protagonists of history and traditions and are definitely present almost everywhere. Welcome to my #loabTour Italy!
You will find all the curiosities relating to the various stages of this artistic tour every week here: loabTour Italia
"Each balcony has a story to tell, what you need is to learn to listen with your eyes. "
Welcome to my balconies.
My balconies are available as Streaming Wallpapers on Window Sight and purchasable as NFTs on World of V.