I decided to inaugurate this section by exploring Procreate with you! We will do this through simple and quick tips, visual and written, which we will call pills.
First of all what is Procreate?
Procreate is a software, excellent in my opinion and one of the best, which allows you to create and illustrate magnificent works directly on your iPad. It is quite simple and intuitive but, like all software, you may have the impression of navigating a bit in the open sea the first time you use it.
I had a bit of a struggle initially, but because of my old habits. In fact, having always drawn only in Photoshop and Illustrator and always and only with a graphic tablet without built-in screen, my difficulty was precisely that of changing my way of thinking and interfacing with the work stage. I had the impression that I could not manage or conduct my work and my hand. A little practice and enthusiasm (one who gets demoralized easily tells you this) and now I can't do without it anymore.
So if you are a beginner with this software and you have any doubts… do not be disheartened! There are many tricks and movements that gradually become automatic and natural, making your experience in Procreate easier and easier.
I'll show you some of them right away, hoping they can come in handy!

- "+"
- "New sheet icon"

All you need to know is that Procreate offers a couple of tricks that may come in handy. I will list a few here in this first part of Procreate pills.

By spreading your fingers, you can zoom in on the worksheet. By joining them instead, you can reduce the worksheet. Instead, making a quick movement between your index finger and thumb (as if you wanted to pinch) you can instead return the sheet to its original size.

These are some of the tips that I found useful at the beginning of my Procreate approach and I think they can be very useful for those taking their first steps inside the software!
Obviously, if you have other suggestions to insert, please write!
See you next pills and good drawing!ヅ